When teaching game concepts for transfer within the game category of net barrier/wall games, it is probably critical to further sub-divide the category further into two sub-categories:
(a) net barrier/wall games that allow only one touch at each side of the net
e.g. badminton, tennis, pickleball, etc.
(b) net barrier/wall games that allow multiple touches at each side of the net
e.g. volleyball, sepak takraw, foot-volley, teqball, etc.
At the primary school level in particular, it may be tempting to narrow down the learning to just two main games, typically:
(a) badminton, as a representation of net barrier/wall games that allow only one touch at each side of the net
(b) volleyball, as a representation of net barrier/wall games that allow multiple touches at each side of the net
However, I am wondering if we can collectively explore a more varied approach in teaching game concepts for this game category? Today, I shall focus on net barrier/games that allow for multiple touches at each side of the net. For a start, I am sharing below 5 game ideas that I have used with varying degrees of success. I believe, these ideas can easily be modified further to better bring out the intended learning objectives and outcomes. In fact, I am confident that these ideas can be applicable as lead up activities when teaching volleyball at the secondary school level too! Have fun trying!
This last activity below is interesting as well, especially if you are trying to make connections between games that resemble badminton/tennis into a series of lessons that focus on net barrier/wall games that allow multiple touches at each side of the net.