Sometimes, we may want to invite a more "desirable" technique or skill during game play. For instance, in football we may want to see more "inside foot passes" to encourage firm and on the ground passes. Or in basketball, maybe, there are times that we may want to see more chest passes being utilised instead of the overhead passes. Or in volleyball, we may want to see more two handed passes instead of single handed strikes. Guided by the constraints-led approach (arguably not entirely), one game that I really like to use as a lead-up game, especially with a class of lower readiness learners is the one illusstrated in the attached video. This makes the game less threatening and less "painful" for the beginning players at Primary 5 or 6. As you can see from the video, this game "forces" the two handed technique and encourages quick movement of the feet in order for them to get into position to send the ball towards the intended direction. Gradually, we can remove the "ball in between the hands" and get them to apply either the forearm pass (dig/bump) or the overhead pass (set).
Note: I will personally prefer to do lots of 2v2s for this game to bring out the intended learning outcomes.